Collection: 03 - Marts - Defrost

What way will the weather go?

Will we have more snow to go? To stay? To melt...?

Which group of wine fit best for this - we-cannot-stand-it-any-longer - grey, dull, cold March?

We have come up with a red pack that goes well for the last days of the Marchian indoor blues, but, allure us and lead us on onwards to the sense of Spring with the freshness of the wines, their great acidity and fruit-driven characters...

The wineries behind are Domaine Karanika in the cool Northwest Macedonia, from the Tetramythos' high altitiude on Peloponnese and Sclavos windy island Cephalonian.

Do you like jazz? Put it on the stereo, tune in and pop out...

Red is good for you.